Thoughts from Jeff Adler
Can Executives Really Balance Their Work and Life?
“All work and no play makes…” an executive? For many executives, that’s less of a spin on a quote and more of a reality. Without question, running a company, department, or even a new business takes a great deal of time and energy. The problem is when these...
Effective Communication: Communicating Your Needs to Your Inner Circle
Take a minute to think about the last time you felt truly heard by those you depend on. If you had to think back too far, or couldn’t even recall a time, it may be time to evaluate the role communication plays in your life. Poor communication can be disastrous....
Find Balance: 3 Benefits to Giving Yourself a Break
Breaks are not a luxury. Before you try to argue against this point, think about it for a second: a break is one of those rare things that is both needed and attainable by everyone, no matter what walk of life you come from. Most employers include vacation time as...
Losing Balance: The Dangers of Trying to Be the Next Grant Cardone
“You sleep like you’re rich. I’m up like I’m broke.” If you’ve been exposed to any part of Grant Cardone’s empire, you know just how true that quote is for him. Surely, many of those at Mr. Cardone’s level will quickly admit that they have sacrificed sleep and many...
How to shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset
I’m going to say something you may not want to hear: You probably operate in a fixed mindset.A fixed mindset is the idea that people are born with fixed traits and talents. They operate with the idea that there is a fixed amount of intelligence. People with a fixed...
Transforming Into a CEO Mindset
No one is born a leader. Whether it's a parent, a teacher, or an admired celebrity, we all choose to follow someone early on in life. Leaders are created when a follower actively decides to pursue something more than they have been shown. If you want to have...
9 Daily Habits of Happy Executives
Is happiness your habit? A highly successful executive is not the same as a happy one/ As with anything worth having, happiness is acquired through commitment. Yet few executives are as willing to commit to their own happiness as they are to their own careers.To...
Enough is Enough: 5 Signs it’s Time to Change Careers
I QUIT! No matter how much you start out loving your career, odds are you will reach a point where you dream of saying those two little words. If you’re feeling this way, you’re not alone. The average person will change careers five to seven times during their working...
Why am I never satisfied? 10 insights that pave the way to life satisfaction
In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, “For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.” Many a times it feels like the life one is living day after day, is without meaning and fulfillment. You end up feeling dissatisfied with your own life and it...
Let's Create What's Possible
Contact Jeff Adler
6895 Carnation Rd.
Carlsbad, CA 92011